Pain Relief

Use our non-habit forming, CBD-infused Recovery products to achieve much needed pain relief.

Unlike most pain relievers on the market, CBD Relief uses a combination of cannabidiol (CBD) and magnesium sulfate (a well known pain killer) to provide natural healing properties with no side effects.

Applied topically, CBD Relief goes right to the source of pain without needing to use the digestive system.

Our Solutions

CBD Relief products will not cause you to fail a THC drug test, or get you high.

an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

CBD Relief is:

  • Non Psychoactive
  • Neuro-protective
  • Anti-oxidant
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-tumoral
  • Anti-convulsant


CBD Relief provides unique pain management options to athletes coping with injury recovery.

Our CBD-infused and magnesium-sulfate based products target an area for instant pain relief, without the worry of side effects, drug interactions or habit formation. In addition, CBD Relief is delivered topically and absorbed by the skin, which bypasses the intestines creating a non-laxative effect.

Use our CBD Relief Recovery Crystals for extra pain relief after a long workout, and follow up with a recovery cream, gel or spray after the soak.